Janice  Hannaway  Jane  Reid 

Janice Hannaway

Janice practices as a trauma-informed and responsive user researcher, therapist, and
coach with extensive experience in working with individuals facing complex needs and
trauma. Skilled in empowering people to overcome traumatic experiences such as drug
addiction, domestic and childhood sexual abuse, she played a pivotal role as a user
researcher in the NHS Digital Covid-19 Testing Programme.

Co-founding ResearchU Training Academy, Janice along with Jane Reid champions
psychological safety and delivers CPD - Accredited ‘Introduction to trauma-informed
user research’ training for design teams, employing a blend of therapeutic and
user-centered design practices. Janice addresses trauma-related digital design
challenges and barriers for disadvantaged groups. In 2019, she spoke at the Service
Design in Government Conference, highlighting the impact of disjointed services on
victims of domestic abuse. Continuing contributions as a panelist at GDS Design Day
2023, discussing design through a trauma-informed lens. Janice shares her insights
through blogging on Medium.

Jane Reid

Jane is an experienced user researcher, working in the public sector for over three
decades. Driven by a strong commitment to ethical design and addressing societal
challenges. She specialises in research areas such as homelessness, domestic abuse,
and veterans' issues. She consistently applies trauma-informed principles to her work to ensure the well-being of user researchers and the communities they serve.

Jane has championed trauma-informed design practices within government policy since 2018. Her groundbreaking efforts led to the creation of a cross-government working group addressing the impact of sex and gender questions on forms. She co-presented this work at Service Design in Government 2019, reconnecting with her longtime friend, Janice Hannaway. Inspired by the similarities in each other's presentations, Jane and Janice combined their expertise to create the first CPD - Accredited ‘Introduction to trauma-informed user research’ course, empowering over 200 user researchers and designers worldwide.

She also served as interim Head of Skills and Capability at CDPS Wales to build skills
and capability across the Welsh public sector, where wellbeing was a key policy

Jane blogs on Medium

Workshop: Empathy by Design: Integrating Social Responsibility in Trauma-Informed Practices

Empathy by Design Workshop: Explore the integration of social responsibility in trauma-informed practices for design and user research. Gain insights into the profound impact of trauma on individuals and communities, and learn how to consciously develop products, services, or systems that acknowledge and accommodate these effects.

This workshop is centered around empathising with those who have experienced trauma, fostering empowerment in the research process, and prioritising their unique experiences.